Sunday, March 20, 2011

Why Do Finlands Schools Get the Best Results?

This Article from the BBC is an interesting window into the world of Finish education. I went to four different kinds of alternative schools in my life, five if you include going to an arts college, and I really wish I had had the chance to grow up in Finland. They have tested the highest worldwide in reading and science, and are second only to South Korean teenagers in mathematics. They don't start school until they're seven, and by the time they're, what, I think eleven, they are learning their third language. I'm still trying to learn my second, but seeing how together this country has got it, maybe I should consider learning Finnish. The kids are entrusted on going on cross country excursions on their own, they go to school and take off their schools when they get there, and there are at least two teachers in the classroom- one main teacher, and the other to help students who are struggling. I love this! The link leads to the article and to two videos, which are all fancy BBC videos, so I don't know if i can embed them.


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