Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Would it be lonely to be here

Scenes like this always make me long for solitude and nature, but I am a social city human and I don't know why I long for this. When I was a kiddo I used to play pretend in nature, at the beach, in the woods. I could pretend that I was a fairy, that I was a pioneer. I'm neither though and I wonder if I would fare as well, even for a little while, in adulthood.

I'm going through my files and seeing what I have saved over the years, that's why I'm posting so much today. The day after Christmas. Such a nice time to be alone, even though Adriene's also home, but she's working so it's perfect. Say hello, a few words, argue over the way people use the word "milky" (very frustrating arguing with Adriene, a few minutes in and I always feel like i'm pleading for her to for a second see things my way so we can move forward, but she is stubborn and I want to throw things at her sometimes), she goes back to work, I putter around in the living room. It's bright and nice and I have some Debussy on the google machine that spies on us in our own home.

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