That’s What I Like (tag meme)
I was tagged by the lovely @noone
I just wanted to do this, like an internet quiz or something. But on my blog that no one reads. Adriene and Nicole are watching Sopranos in the next room. It's comforting actually.
Rules: bold what you prefer and tag 10 people.
01. coffee or tea (Coffee, coffee. But I think I should switch to tea. Better for you and more romantic)
02. early bird or night owl (It's 12:30 am as I type this. I want to be both, I've reached the point where I want more hours in the day)
03. chocolate or vanilla (If it's a bar, chocolate. If it's a flavor of ice cream, always vanilla)
04. spring or fall (CRISP)
05. silver or gold (It looks better on me)
06. pop or alternative (Alt covers a lot more ground than pop, though I quite love pop too)
07. freckles or dimples (I even have some frecks)
08. snakes or sharks (Always snakes. 1989 bitches)
09. mountains or fields (Mountains let you know exactly where you are)
10. thunderstorm or lightning (both plz)
11. Egyptian or Greek mythology (I was introduced to Greek first, so I feel I know it better)
12. ivory or scarlet (ivory has this beautiful depth to it)
13. flute or lyre (Honestly, this is a guess. I like strings more than woodwinds genrerally)
14. eyes or lips (Both, but I love a good set of eyes)
15. witch or fairy (Once upon a midnight, I would have chosen fairy. Now I feel more strongly about witches.
16. opal or diamond (so beautiful, the opal. Each one so different from the next. October, bitchessss)
17. butterflies or honeybees (Love honey, love stripes)
18. macaroons or eclairs (eh. Eclairs? Don't know)
19. typewritten or handwritten letters (both, if the type is from a typewriter)
20. secret garden or secret library (Both! But a secret library is nice even when it rains. )
21. rooftop or balcony (Both, but a balcony seems more cozy. More personal)
22. spicy or mild (SPICE!)
23. opera or ballet (I love the opera. Also, you can have a ballet in an opera, but you can't have an opera in a ballet.)
24. London or Paris (Parissss, romance)
25. Vincent Van Gogh or Claude Monet (I thought at first this was Manet, and the choice would have been hard, but ugh, Monet. I love Van Gogh, and his wild lines. )
26. denim or leather (both. But I am the common folk, I am devoted to jeans.)
27. potions or spells (More portable)
28. ocean or desert (Give me that salty air)
29. mermaid or siren (Sirens are cruel. Mermaids are too, but they sometimes are't)
30. masquerade ball or cocktail party (When people make the effort, go with the masked ball)