Saturday, April 14, 2018

Resolutions Pt. 1

Should I really call these resolutions? I'm not so resolute. But I need to be better, be a better person, both for me and for those around me. So, here's a few.

1) Stop being mad at your roommates for liking each other more than they like you. They have matching personalities and are two sets of couples, and that's hard to try and play keep up with. breathe deep and let go of the frustrations you feel over them bonding and also not cleaning the house.

You aren't their friend anymore. This isn't a house of friends. It's a house of three friends and one cool lady who is chill and comes and goes as she pleases and makes the house better with her plants and aesthetic. Rebrand.

2) Find a way to be less passive aggressive about other people cleaning the house. Find a way to ask them to tidy better, or find a way to not hold the frustration in when you end up cleaning up after them anyways. Also, they're never going to thank you for mopping, cleaning the whole goddamn bathroom, doing their dishes or being the only person to ever clean the stove. (<--- last="" of="" p="" s="" that="" the="">
3) Keep in contact with your friends. Reach out when you think of them. I'm talking Dara, Betsy, Glynnis, Parker, Raph, Evelia, etc.

That's a good start. Oh -

4) Stop talking about babies with Nicole, and also physical appearances, families, childhood, and blackness. No good comes of having a conversation with her about these things.

5) Stop talking about black issues with white people.

6) Hang out with less white people. It's toxic in large doses and you know it.

Okay. Now that's a good start.  I feel better already.